Welcome Julia Core

Dr. Ermshar & Associates is pleased to announce that Julia Core has joined our practice. Julia Core completed her Masters Degree in Clinical Family Psychology from Azusa Pacific University. She is currently working on her Doctor of Psychology (PsyD) at Azusa Pacific University with a concentration in

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5 Factors in Emotional Success

Emotional success often refers to experiencing life’s positive results, as well as setbacks, and still coming out on top. It means you are satisfied with yourself more days than not, and that you do not allow negativity to drag you or others down. It means that you

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Happy New Years!

New Years resolutions aside, hoping you have all you strive for in 2016. Wishing every day of your New Year to be filled with success, happiness and prosperity. Happy New Year from the office of Dr. Ermshar!

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Thoughts for the New Year

As you ponder New Years resolutions, consider these thoughts….. We convince ourselves that life will be better after we get married, have a baby, then another. Then we are frustrated that the kids aren’t old enough, and we’ll be more content when they are. After that, we’re

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Happy Holidays!

The holidays are a time of peace. May Peace, Happiness, and Joy be yours during this Holiday Season and throughout the New Year. Happy Holidays from the office of Dr. Ermshar!

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Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is a time for gratitude. We are grateful for our family, friends, colleagues, clients, and community. Happy Thanksgiving from the office of Dr. Ermshar!

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Welcome Carol Davis, M.S.

Dr. Ermshar is pleased to announce that Carol Davis, M.S. has joined Dr. Ermshar, Specialized Psychological Services. Carol A. Davis graduated with a B.A. in Psychology from Cal Poly Pomona, and earned an M.S. in Clinical Psychology from University of La Verne. She is now a doctoral

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Welcome Carter Hasbrook

Dr. Ermshar is pleased to announce that Carter Hasbrook has joined Dr. Ermshar, Specialized Psychological Services. Carter graduated cum laude from Rollins College with a B.A. in Psychology and Philosophy. He is currently enrolled as an M.A. Psychology graduate student at the University of the West with plans to

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Welcome Dr. Natalie Sobel

Dr. Ermshar is pleased to announce that Dr. Natalie Sobel has joined Dr. Ermshar, Specialized Psychological Services. Dr. Sobel has an impressive training and clinical track record. She has been a forensic evaluator for conditional release programs and completed her internship with the Los Angeles County Department

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