Research has showed that the first five minutes of light exercise in nature delivers the greatest mood boost of time spent outside. Thus, this can be a realistic practice for even the busiest person. A research program at University of Essex has titled this phenomenon the ‘Green Exercise’ and they have started to quantify some of the health benefits.

Findings report that 5-minutes in nature, irrespective of activity, leads to improvements in self-esteem and mood, by reducing feelings of anger, confusion, depression, and tension. Researchers have also measured physical health benefits, such as reduced blood pressure, and seen how engaging in group activities facilitates social networking and connectivity.

The research showed little difference for urban or rural dwellers, or for the type of exercise. Thus, there is little reason NOT to take up this idea. It is in the first five minutes that the greatest benefit is realized, and light intensity activities produce the greatest effects.

So how do you plan on incorporating the green exercise into your daily schedule? An idea is to take a 5-minute mindfulness walk in nature. No headphones. No cell phones. No distractions. Just noticing your breathe, the movement of your body, and the beauty of the nature around you.