The transition from high school to college can be an exciting time for a teenager, but it can also create feelings of anxiety and confusion and can make them feel overwhelmed by all that is ahead. These significant changes can be difficult to manage and may leave you wondering, where do I start in setting priorities and helping them to transition to the next step? How can I provide my son or daughter with support and guidance during this important stage? An awareness and understanding of factors to expect can help as you navigate and facilitate the journey ahead to ensure optimal success for your child.
As students prepare for college, there are many considerations to be aware of in terms of changes in their routine, day to day focus, and general daily functioning. For instance, teenagers often experience social pressures with regard to their school performance, extracurricular activities, career potential, financial status, peer group identification and acceptance, and future goals. These demands require various skills such as social problem-solving, confidence and self-esteem building, managing and prioritizing workload, and staying organized. As their daily schedule changes, students transitioning to college experience increases in free time and are in need of ongoing time management skills. During these school transitions, they are also faced with more responsibilities like having to structure their schedule, as well as managing a healthy balance in life made up of self-care and hygiene, socializing, addressing obligations, as well as maintaining adequate sleep, nutrition, and exercise. Thus, it is essential to acknowledge these multi-faceted changes, and to focus on facilitating success and acclimating to their new roles and environment by aiding them in the most effective manner to meet these needs.
Are you wondering how to help make the most of your teenager’s journey into college and how you can optimize their success? While the journey into college poses its own set of challenges, certainly the ultimate (and most important) goal is maintaining health and a strong sense of well-being, including self-acceptance and contentment. In order to support your teenager’s positive attitude and mental health during this important life transition to college, transitional coaching services can offer a unique, individualized approach through various support services. These services provide support to balance academic and social demands, manage new stressors, expectations, and responsibilities, as well as advising on goals and activities. In the meantime, don’t overlook your own journey as a parent. You will likely have a whole host of your own emotions as your child prepares for this next phase of life. For many parents, the idea of their child leaving home is exciting, yet may trigger uncertainty, sadness, some fear, and a change in the home dynamic. Take time to process your own reaction and to take stock of what you and the rest of your family need to best adjust to the upcoming change. Most importantly, take a moment to feel proud of this incredible accomplishment. You will soon have a high school graduate and will be cheering them on to the next phase of their lifelong journey.