Bipolar disorder is characterized by shifts in modod that include manic symptoms, depressive symptoms, or both. The dramatic shifts in mood, energy and activity levels affect a person’s ability to carry out day-to-day tasks and are more severe than the normal ups and downs that are experienced by most people. These mood symptoms can result in lasting consequences. Specifically, the risk-taking behaviors that are associated with elevated and expansive mood can lead to legal famifications, substance abuse and jeopardize overall safety and health. While it is important to focus on mood stabiliation when treating bipolar disorder, many mental health professionals rarely consider the impact of cognitive deficits secondary to bipolar disorder and their impact on adaptive psychosocial functioning. Many individual with bipolar disorder report that poor memory, a lack of mental clarity and control, and difficulty with concentrating influence their daily life more than the mood symptoms of the disorder. Growing evidence suggests that individuals with bipolar disorder continue to suffer cognitive deficits even in the absence of mood symptoms. Neuropsycholocial research indicates that moderate levels of attention deficits, executive functioning impairments, and long-term memory difficulties are common among individuals who experience abnormal brain activation secondary to bipolar episodes. As a licensed clinical psychologist with an expertise in neuropsychology, Dr. Ermshar can develop individualized treatment plans that target both mood stabilization and cognitive deficits secondary to bipolar episodes to assist individuals in effectively reclaiming healthy biological, psychological, and social functioning.