We are proud to celebrate Dr. Annette Ermshar’s interview featured in both the Arroyo Magazine’s August 2015 issue and in the Pasadena Magazine. Dr. Ermshar presented an expert opinion in the column titled Tiger Parenting: The Yin and Yang of Academic Achievement written by Diana Palmer and Patt Diroll. The two authors give a detailed account of the problems that high school students and parents face in the race to build the perfect college application. Dr. Ermshar addressed the mental and physical consequences experienced by students when overly excessive emphasis is placed on achievement and competition. Dr. Ermshar illustrates the recent rise in mental health symptoms among high school students, such as test-taking anxiety, social anxiety, depression, and self-harm. She then addresses the growing evidence of cheating and substance use among students as a way to deal with these pressures. Lastly, she discuses ways whereby parents and students may find a balance in managing all the pressures inherent in today’s culture.

Click here to read the article in the Pasadena Weekly