The news of the Coronavirus epidemic and the uncertainty surrounding it is leading to an increase in the experience of many mental health symptoms. Uncertainty itself leads us to ask an array of potentially unanswerable questions, which can cause feelings of overwhelm, fear, and helplessness. Trying to hold onto a modicum of control tends to induce stress, anxiety, even depression. This is true for all people but may be especially difficult for those with preexisting mental health issues. For example, a voluntary in-home quarantine can contribute to reduced mental wellbeing due to limited contact with loved ones, loss of freedom, change in daily routines, as well as the likelihood to obsess over constant news coverage. People with ongoing mental health issues should ensure their medication supplies are sufficient for any periods of self-isolation. Cannabis products from a marijuana dispensary can also help alleviate stress and anxiety especially in the time of isolation due to Covid-19 lockdowns. If you want them delivered to you, you may find a cannabis delivery service such as the one at

Uncertainty is a key factor in fueling hysteria, as has been recently observed through a variety of extreme behaviors including engaging in panic buying and hoarding, theft, and convincing oneself that a throat tickle is fatal symptom. It is human nature to fear the unknown and it is this fear that leaves us feeling vulnerable. When we do not know what steps to take to move forward, when we are faced with significant and unpredictable disruptions to our daily life, and when we watch people around the world suffer as we believe we soon will, the effects of uncertainty outweigh the medical issues at hand and bring broader implications. For example, people are questioning if increased hand-washing and avoiding crowds is a sufficient response or if more extreme measures are needed. Some are unsure about cancelling a wedding while others contemplate closing down their business which could mean severe financial consequences affecting entire families. 

It is important to remember that children are equally as vulnerable to increased anxiety, stress, and fear as adults, although they may be less likely to verbalize or express it in ways we would expect. Not all children respond in the same way, but some common stress reactions include acting-out behaviors, excessive worry, change in sleep habits, increased pain complaints such as stomach and headaches, difficulty with attention and concentration, increased separation anxiety, and the return of previously outgrown behaviors (e.g., bedwetting). Take time to talk with your child, listen to their fears and concerns, and answer their questions with simple age-appropriate facts. Limit their exposure to media coverage as children may misinterpret what they hear and become unduly afraid. Reassure your child that they are safe. Most importantly keep in mind that children observe adults for cues on how to manage their own emotions during difficult times. Be a role model for children and encourage them to manage their stress in a healthy way. 

There are active steps we can all take to manage our mental health during this time. Return to regular activity and maintain familiar routines as much as possible. If you have chosen to remain in the home, use video chat to stay connected with friends and family. Remain vigilant and avoid falling into bad habits or using unhealthy coping mechanisms such as alcohol or substance use, overeating, or unhealthy isolative behavior especially when confined within the home. Everyone responds differently to stress, so give others the needed space to manage emotions in their own way. During this time of chaos it is important to take care of your mind and body. Increase mindfulness and find ways to remain active. Most importantly, maintain positive thinking and a sense of hope.

In an effort to model positive thinking, consider a silver lining that with this unexpected time at home we can step away from the hustle and bustle of our busy daily lives to reboot. Explore new interests, take an online course, organize your closet, watch a movie, spend quality time with your immediate family, and take time to rest and care for yourself. This cognitive shift will aid in alleviating anxiety and facilitating greater control over your immediate environment and mental outlook.