As summer begins, it’s important to keep mental health in mind. Here are a few ways to optimize your well-being over the summer. Since the weather is warmer during the summer months, outdoor activities are great.

  1. Go to the beach. The sounds of the waves and the smell of the salty air soothes the mind.
  2. Go barefoot in the grass. Either a backyard or a nice park—feel the earth beneath your feet and in between your toes.
  3. Find time for a summer nap. It is the perfect time to rest and rejuvenate your mind given the warm weather.
  4. Take a hike. Studies have found that being in nature improve well-being and that a walking in forests have been associated with lower levels of anxiety.
  5. Spend some time gardening. It helps us relax while reminding us of growth and the circle of life.  
  6. Volunteer your time for a local charity or non-profit organization. Giving optimizes reward centers in our brain.
  7. Relive your childhood years: spend an afternoon playing with bubbles, having a water fight with the garden hose, or doing a cannon ball in the pool.
  8. Watch your favorite old comedy­­—a reliable movie that makes you laugh. Laughter has been shown to improve mental health.
  9. Find an outdoor concert. Music soothes the soul sitting under the stars.
  10. Engage in a random act of kindness. Give someone an unexpected gift and watch their surprised smile.