Understanding Addiction – The Role of Avoidance Coping and Maladaptive Behaviors
According to the National Institute of Drug Abuse, the United States spends nearly 600 billion dollars annually in costs related to crime, lost work productivity, and healthcare for individuals who abuse tobacco, alcohol, and illicit drugs. And yet, the scope of addiction reaches beyond drug and alcohol abuse. Many individuals struggle with eating, gambling, internet, sex, work, and/or shopping addictions, and current research indicates that approximately 47% of the U.S. adult population endorses some type of maladaptive addictive behavior. People that have severe addiction should seek help from mental health professionals or a drug rehab facility. You may find more information here on this website. The therapists at Abbeycare Gloucester help people understand their relationship with alcohol and drugs.

Maladaptive behaviors can be understood as poor coping skills, where addictive behaviors typically serve a specific purpose. To cope with negative life events, addictive behaviors often provide temporary relief or pleasure, but ultimately result in an individual’s avoidance of problems. It is natural to want to avoid difficult situations and negative emotional consequences. Yet the costs of addiction can include impaired self-esteem, dysfunctional interpersonal relationships, loss of employment, and/or criminal consequences. Genetic factors have been proven to play a role in drug, alcohol, and behavioral addictions, and each individual’s unique contextual factors may influence the development of maladaptive coping behaviors. At the heart of any addictive behavior is an individual’s inability to cope with some aspect of life. Attempting to work through and resolve these behaviors with the patient is just as much part of a Drug Addiction Recovery Program for Men as it is helping them medically with withdrawal symptoms and health conditions that they may have developed as a result of drug use. If you know someone suffering from addiction tell them to take a look at the seasons bali rehab cost and how they can recover.

Psychotherapy has been proven as an effective means to treat addictive behaviors by teaching individuals healthier and more adaptive solutions to life’s problems. Coordinating with a treatment center and working with an outpatient drug addiction treatment professional can also help an individual develop prevention and relapse plans to curtail future addictive patterns of behavior. Go ahead and get more information about this luxury in Hawaii where you can recover from addiction.