Six Steps for an Organized Mind

Our brain was designed to focus on a singular task, such that we cannot allocate the entirety of our mental resources from one task to another instantaneously and repeatedly. If the daily stress of overextending your attention has resulted in fatigue, disorganization, or a lack of mental

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Multitasking: How much can you handle?

On any given day, our lives can become inundated with tasks that require us to divide our attention among multiple tasks. In an age of information overload, the workplace, family, and social events require us to continually juggle responsibilities. Attending to multiple tasks has become such an

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Remember that last YouTube video that made you double-over in laughter? That fit of laughter actually mimicked the neurological patterns associated with meditation. A lot has been researched and published on the physical and mental health benefits of meditation (e.g. reduced stress, improved sleep, decreased depression and

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Intelligence and Achievement Testing

Intelligence and achievement tests are critical assessment tools in both educational and occupational settings, and are consistently used by psychologists to inform treatment planning. And yet, the evaluation of intelligence has sparked both controversy and debate throughout history. Many individuals believed intelligence was largely determined by genetics,

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Autism Spectrum Disorder

Previously, Autistic Disorder, Asperger’s Disorder, Childhood Disintegrative Disorder, and Pervasive Developmental Disorder, Not Otherwise Specified were all classified as separate psychiatric disorders of early childhood. However, recent research suggests that the aforementioned diagnoses are all symptoms of one disorder of varying severity. The new edition of the

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Anxiety and Stress

Anxiety is a normal human emotion that everyone experiences. In everyday life, people must navigate a multitude of stressful circumstances. Many people feel anxious when making important life decisions, before a performance or test, or in various social situations. In some instances, stress can be a positive

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Psychological Assessment

Licensed clinical psychologists are uniquely qualified to administer and conduct standardized tests, assessment tools, and clinical interviews in order to measure and observe an individual’s behavior. By understanding the nature of a problem, psychologists can figure out the best way to treat it. This is why psychological

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Aspergers Vs. Autism

Both Aspergers Syndrome and Autistic Disorder are considered pervasive developmental disorders, but the severity, frequency and intensity of symptoms associated with each differ. In comparison to Aspergers Syndrome, Autism is classified by more severe impairments in social interactions, communication, language development, learning, restricted behavioral patterns, and cognitive/developmental

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Cognitive Deficits Secondary to Bipolar Episodes

Bipolar disorder is characterized by shifts in modod that include manic symptoms, depressive symptoms, or both. The dramatic shifts in mood, energy and activity levels affect a person’s ability to carry out day-to-day tasks and are more severe than the normal ups and downs that are experienced

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